Is the beast runeword worth it for a Necrcomancer
I had a beast war scepter in season 1. I made some empirical tests comparing it against an arm of king leoric. And yes, beast runeword makes minions notoriously stronger.

Even tho they get less life because the less +skills, the damage is compensated by the -low- fanaticism bonus, and increased by the speed and attack rate. They miss less hits, and keep most monsters into perpetual stun.

If I had any doubts about the runeword's power, they vanished after fightining hell Baal several times. The time used to get him down came to be a little higher than the time used by a -well equiped- fanatic zealot.
[Image: 37671-NicatorSig0326.jpg]

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Messages In This Thread
Is the beast runeword worth it for a Necrcomancer - by Guest - 08-17-2004, 11:29 PM
Is the beast runeword worth it for a Necrcomancer - by Nicator - 08-19-2004, 05:22 PM

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