Poison Creeper
I'm not sure how i'm going to make this work but here's a prototypical char sketch to graft Poison Creeper onto an existing build while still trying to maximize it's usefulness (i.e. making monster groups clump).

The easiest way to get monsters to clump repeatedly without having to resort to charges of Attract, is to chum the water, and watch the monster mass nucleate. Three ways to do this: 1) merc 2) minions and 3) self and or other party members :)

The druid also doesn't have very many monster manipulation skills but foremost among them is Shockwave, followed by Hurricane, a distant second.

So the attempt to incorporate both into a single playable survivable build is going to be a challenge as Hurricane cannot be recast in wereform, and surprise surprise, shockwave can't be cast unless you're a bear. So putting aside the playability argument for the moment--if one were to try and put the two together (remembering that Hurricane is a cast and forget type spell--and we'll want to use shockwave more anyway), it would make sense to make Hurricane last a long time and the wereform not last too long.

These two limitations rule out a Maulbear as the skill requires you to be in wereform for quite awhile to make full use of it (though it should be noted that if you nix the use of Hurricane, the Maulbear way opens up quite nicely). So the other tack is to try and Fireclaw--which is nice since it also provides a nice way of dealing with single targets.

So the sketch looks something like: max poison creeper and max fireclaws, substantial investment into both cyclone armor, shockwave, and oak sage. little or no lycanthropy, 1 point into hurricane. Leftover points go into fireclaw synergies. Holy Freeze Merc.

Two weapon setups--fast fireclaw (ideal is 110% IAS phaseblade) and then other weapon to deal with FI/PI or FI/heavily P resistant. Stats mainly go into Vit and Dex (for blocking). Str to carry second weapon. (Buriza might be nice since the added Dex also benefit physical damage on the xbow)

So general tactics involve letting the merc wake things up and attract monsters using his aura. Then, when they come into range, Hurricaning them to slow them down until the desired clumps form. Shockwave. Poison. Fireclaw. Fireclaw. Fireclaw. Poison. Fireclaw. Fireclaw. Fireclaw. Rinse, repeat.

So far, i've got a wee little druid at lvl 25 running around with max creeper, and i've committed very little to the sketch outline so far. Any suggestions on changes, equipment, gear?

speaking of--how rare are -% PR gears?

Messages In This Thread
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-19-2004, 03:23 AM
Poison Creeper - by Brista - 07-19-2004, 08:25 AM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-19-2004, 11:58 AM
Poison Creeper - by Deadpan - 07-19-2004, 01:34 PM
Poison Creeper - by Baajikiil - 07-19-2004, 06:31 PM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-19-2004, 09:15 PM
Poison Creeper - by Brista - 07-20-2004, 09:33 AM
Poison Creeper - by Brista - 07-20-2004, 09:39 AM
Poison Creeper - by adeyke - 07-20-2004, 12:50 PM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-20-2004, 01:19 PM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-20-2004, 01:23 PM
Poison Creeper - by Brista - 07-20-2004, 01:44 PM
Poison Creeper - by Baajikiil - 07-20-2004, 04:58 PM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-20-2004, 07:01 PM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 07-20-2004, 08:33 PM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 07-20-2004, 10:36 PM
Poison Creeper - by Brista - 07-21-2004, 01:19 AM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 07-21-2004, 01:48 AM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-21-2004, 02:03 AM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 07-21-2004, 07:24 AM
Poison Creeper - by Baajikiil - 07-21-2004, 03:24 PM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 07-21-2004, 11:51 PM
Poison Creeper - by QuickShifter - 07-22-2004, 10:02 AM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 07-22-2004, 08:52 PM
Poison Creeper - by Trobb - 07-23-2004, 02:03 AM
Poison Creeper - by Raziel - 07-23-2004, 01:03 PM
Poison Creeper - by QuickShifter - 07-23-2004, 06:35 PM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-23-2004, 10:13 PM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 07-27-2004, 07:17 PM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-28-2004, 01:53 AM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 07-28-2004, 03:30 AM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-28-2004, 10:48 AM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 07-28-2004, 05:13 PM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-28-2004, 08:57 PM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 07-29-2004, 02:11 AM
Poison Creeper - by electricblue - 07-29-2004, 12:48 PM
Poison Creeper - by wally - 08-03-2004, 05:52 AM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 08-04-2004, 11:08 AM
Poison Creeper - by wally - 08-08-2004, 06:00 AM
Poison Creeper - by Crystalion - 08-08-2004, 10:41 PM
Poison Creeper - by wally - 08-10-2004, 07:12 PM
Poison Creeper - by wally - 08-18-2004, 02:38 PM
Poison Creeper - by QuickShifter - 08-18-2004, 03:13 PM
Poison Creeper - by AtomicKitKat - 11-16-2004, 10:21 AM
Poison Creeper - by Alram - 11-15-2005, 11:49 AM

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