There is zero mass to those virtual world meshes :D No mass. No gravity. Only simulated "what goes up through jump and fly commands will come down accprding to the physics of this game" --though the arguement "Its a fake world where our world rules don't apply" should suffice. No "big" horse needed. Plate armor or none.
Still, that's a BIG horse. I'm glad I'm not the stable-boy who cleans after that paladin-charger's mess! Heck, shouldn't city streets lined with horse-*&$#? :blink: Note to all you paladins out there, don't feed your horse orc-meat. Leaves a nasty smell a few hours later.
Still, that's a BIG horse. I'm glad I'm not the stable-boy who cleans after that paladin-charger's mess! Heck, shouldn't city streets lined with horse-*&$#? :blink: Note to all you paladins out there, don't feed your horse orc-meat. Leaves a nasty smell a few hours later.