Necro curses
Ok....Here's a build for ya that I think you might find a bit more successful....since you seem to be wanting a LoM (Lord of Mages) Judging from your skill choices. -- I'm gonna describe it from scratch, ignoring the other posts (I skimmed over them though) for simplicity's sake --

Level 99
110 skill points
505 stat points

Stat Distribution:
Enough strength for your equipment (60-80)
No points in Dexterity
Vitality - 200+
Energy - about 150-200

Skill Distribution:
67 points in Summons
29 points in Curses
that leaves 14, I recommend getting 1 in CE in the P&B tree....and Bone prison is nice for protecting those magi.

Summon Tree:
20 Skeleton Mastery
1 Summon Skeleton
1 Clay Golem
20 Golem Mastery
1 Blood Golem
1 Summon Resist
1 Iron Golem
1 Fire Golem
1 Revive

Curse Tree:
1 Amplify Damage
1 Blind
1 Weaken
1 Iron Maiden
1 Terror
1 Confuse
1 Life Tap
1 Attract
1 Decrepify
20 Lower Resist

Poison and Bone:
1 Teeth
1 Bone Armor
1 Corpse Explosion
1 Bone Wall
1 Bone Prison

This leaves 11 points to do as you will with.

My personal favorite equipment setup for this build:
Helm: Harlequin Crest Shako
Amulet: +2 necro or +3 Summon amulet
Weapon: Arm of Leoric is my favorite for this build (it's a great summoner wand)
Armor: Skin of the Vipermagi - Resists protect you from the only real threat to you - Ranged magic.
Shield: I use a Homunculous - although a +3 Summon skill/+2 all skills necro head w/ +3 Skele Mastery, +3 Skeleton Magi, +3 Summon Resist/Revive is best (good second mod is nice)
Gloves: Trang's Gloves
Rings: 2x SoJs
Belt: Trang's Belt (cannot be frozen) - the unique mesh belt is nice too if you're short on mana
Boots: These are personal preference usually....I've used everything from infernostride to the unique mesh boots to Nat's's really all personal preference, none are really best.

Charms (I usually go w/ a 6x4 charm space in my inventory..because I like to carry the cube, 1 tome id, 1 tome tp, and have a 2x4 spare space for picking up items in a hurry - so 6 gc, 6 sc):
General Idea:
6-10 Summon charms (if you can't get that many - fill in empty slots w/ curse charms) - +life is great second mod.
6-10 small charms of one of the following types:
+single res (11%), +16-20 life
+All res (3-5%), +16-20 life
+13-17mana, +16-20 life

Magi Mixup - aka Which mage distribution type should I try for?
(per 10 setup):
1:2:7 - Poison : Ice : Fire + Lightning

Poison - Highest Damage but can only have 1 effecting at a time.
Ice - Lowest Damage, chill effect.
Fire - Highest Average instant Damage
Lightning - Highest Max instant damage

This is tweakable to personal taste - just keep poison present, but minimal.

Top Revives:
Act 1 (non-cow level):
Melee Revives:
Fallen and their relatives - Weaker than Rat Men....but More readily available
Wraiths - PI in hell...and fly through walls making them vanish less (My personal favorite for melee revives)
Rat Men - Fast, and moderate power
Skeletons - Basically strong versions of your summon skeleton
Corrupt Rogues - Meaty Skeletons - faster
Yeti - Good for locking enemies
Spiders - Mediocre, when they run from low life they can get annoying though.

Ranged Revives:
Skeleton Magi - Chances are lower damage than your magi, but sturdier
Skeleton Archers - Ranged Physical, decent, are good if you're strapped for decent summons
Corrupt Rogue Archers - Meaty Skeleton Archers - Faster
Shaman - Good for their fireballs, can't revive fallen, but have an alternate melee attack that's decent.
Banished (the mages in catacombs) - You hate em as enemies - you love em as revives, best ele dmg from revive in act 1. (My Favorite for ranged revives)

Act 2:
Melee Revives:
Scarab Demons - Decent Melee - but do their lightning death to enemies when they die for you too (One of my 3 favorites in act 2 melee)
Vultures (in perticular the undead ones) - Leech life from enemies keeping themselves alive longer....hit decently.
Swarm - Fast, PI in hell, all around good revive. (Another one of my 3 favorites in act 2 melee)
Sabre Cat - Fast....good revive on average.
Vipers - great revives, mediocre damage, but cold hit is nice sometimes - and their charge is nice.
Blunderbores - good locking summon
Spectres - same reason as Wraiths...these actually do good damage. (Absolute Favorite in act 2....among all revives).
Raiders - Fast attack....and move decently fast

Ranged Revives:
Not much to choose from:
Skeleton Archers
Skeleton Magi
Maggot Mother - Poison damage is nice
Greater Mummies - Variety in attack - decent speed for undead (my favorite ranged in act 2)
Vampires (Banished are in this category so you know what they are)

Act 3:
Melee Revives:
Fetish (all) - Fast, chattery - annoy me so they're not my favorite....but they are really good revives as much as I hate to admit it.
Thorned Hulks - Big, stun, frenzy, fun - (My favorite act 3 melee revive)
Zealot - decent, but they have the habit of running away which detracts from them.
Council - Great revives....if i had to pick a second favorite these would be it.

Ranged Revives:
Vampire (again)
Zakarum Priests - Lightning, Blizzard, teleport....nice enhancements for a necro to have - #1 revive in a3 for me.
Willowisp - Lightning hit....and turn invisible....also change colors to play with....moderate use.

Act 4:
(general rundown....getting tired of seperating them):
Knights, Knights, and more Knights - All but Oblivion Knights are revivable - even w/o their best version being able to be revived gotta love them....
Finger Mages - Those lovely lightning immune, color changing, mana burn, tracking attack guys.....they fly so they're good at keeping up.
"Mega Demons" - Balrogs...just call them Balrogs....good revives .... if for no other reason than they look great in black :)
Urdars - Same reason as Blunderbores in a2...
Good readily available summon is the the little spit up spawn....their mothers are crappy - it's the nasty crawling children that are fun (if you haven't figured out what I'm talking about - think about what spawns from the wanderer when he vanishes in a3)

Act 5:
Pretty much all of act 5 is good revives....only not-so-good revives are those who can't be revived....
My favorites though are: Succubi, Death Maulers, Frenzytaurs, Imps.
For Baal you pretty much use what he summons to restock your summons as you fight. (too bad you can't revive MoD's that'd be evil :P)

As for your questions on curses:
Dim Vision: They move until they finish the pre-dim AI script, then they stop and perform available actions....and since they have a 0 light radius they can't see anything but melee - so they won't do anything but idle until: a) curse wears off, or B) something enters their tiny sight range.

Terror, Confuse, Attract (AI curses) :
Their AI script will continue for the duration, even if overridden by another curse. (IE they'll flee the full distance even if Terror is overridden)
Hence it's nice to Attact + IM and such or Attract + LR. (Attract will NOT override confuse)

[Edit: Forgot Merc Section - Thorns and Might are your best bet....holy freeze can be nice too if find you're able to get enough corpses with it - really depends on personal luck. Since you don't want thorns...and since you'll be mostly mages w/ light revive support w/ this build - I recommend Holy Freeze - just be sure to give him good equip to stay alive. - HF doesn't shatter as much as people's about a 33% shatter rate or something if i remember correctly....but I could be thinking about something else...all I know it is possible to have enough corpses w/ proper conservations....Might is better if you're heavier on revives than mages basically. Prayer is nice, but it's not worth much w/ mages - it's more of an IG build type of merc....Prayer doesn't heal frequently enough to save mages who get caught. Defiance and Blessed aim are easily seen as useless because minions have either - Horribly low def/AR or an always hits attack (mages)]
Chaos < Logic > Order
One who knows the enemy and knows himself will not be in danger in a hundred battles.
One who does not know the enemy but knows himself will sometimes win, sometimes lose.
One who does not know the enemy and does not know himself will be in danger in every battle.
- Sun Tzu "The Art of War"

Messages In This Thread
Necro curses - by Vash - 03-31-2003, 07:10 AM
Necro curses - by Elric of Grans - 03-31-2003, 07:32 AM
Necro curses - by Vash - 03-31-2003, 08:00 AM
Necro curses - by Saga_Keeper - 03-31-2003, 09:25 AM
Necro curses - by Elric of Grans - 03-31-2003, 10:44 AM
Necro curses - by the Langolier - 03-31-2003, 11:50 AM
Necro curses - by cheezz - 03-31-2003, 01:57 PM
Necro curses - by Vash - 03-31-2003, 02:46 PM
Necro curses - by the Langolier - 03-31-2003, 03:11 PM
Necro curses - by Elric of Grans - 03-31-2003, 10:24 PM
Necro curses - by Elric of Grans - 03-31-2003, 10:26 PM
Necro curses - by Archon_Wing - 03-31-2003, 10:29 PM
Necro curses - by the Langolier - 04-01-2003, 09:17 AM
Necro curses - by cheezz - 04-01-2003, 02:49 PM
Necro curses - by Animation - 04-01-2003, 03:51 PM
Necro curses - by Kevin - 04-01-2003, 04:25 PM
Necro curses - by Logic_X - 04-01-2003, 07:30 PM
Necro curses - by Logic_X - 04-01-2003, 07:39 PM
Necro curses - by Elric of Grans - 04-01-2003, 10:39 PM

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