Where to spend Hammerdin's extra points?
I found MEDITATION not that useful at all, even when maxed. I've had several hammerdins since I've played d2 and always found REDEMPTION more useful from my own playing style, however, good life and mana leech are a far better substitute IMO - but leech dosent help against undead (another great reason for REDEMPTION).

I found HOLY FREEZE to be exceptionally good when using blessed hammers, especially in cows. It stops the monsters almost dead in their tracks, even those immune to cold and extra fast :P , and gives your hammers time to really do some damage.

I don't want to argue against the use of SMITE because so many people find it useful, but I did not have any luck with this skill. First, it didn't stun bosses which was really the *only* place I needed it. Secondly, even with a phase blade of Greatly Increased Attack Speed, the SMITE was pretty much useless against mobs greater than 6 (but this is strictly my opinion, as I've seen plenty of successful smiters out there). The reason for this is that the build I had was not based purly on SMITE, but BLESSED HAMMER. I found ZEAL and some life/mana leeching equipment to be much more useful at any level of play.

If your not going to use SMITE, then HOLY SHIELD stops increasing significantly past level 5 at 25% block. At level 10 its a mere 5% more at 30% block. Any more points past this would not yield much benefit. If you throw in possible +skill items, then 5 points into HOLY SHIELD seems like plenty IMO.

Lastly, VIGOR is a great skill to put points into. However much your comfortable with is my motto.

-EDIT- One other thing. If you use your point in HOLY FREEZE, then that frees up a spot for another mercinary other than a HF one. I'd reccommend a DEFIANCE mercinary. IMO, DEFIANCE mercinaries help out tremendously because they dramatically decrease your chance to be hit, which is good for any character but *really* good for hammerdins since it's critical to get those hammers off and not get stunned.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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Where to spend Hammerdin's extra points? - by Taem - 04-01-2003, 06:51 PM

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