08-11-2004, 02:06 PM
Self-discipline is a highly-admirable trait! Lay-off the saves and hone your combat-skills. Make your goal to get through w/as few saves as possible. Go through sloppy and perfect technique. It may be necessary to backtrack (i.e. game specific events that are mis-triggered), so save only in the middle of each level (or after particularly hairy battles/problems). Then go through attempting "cleaner" play. It'll help re-playability!
on a side note: I'm tickled to death to learn that when I bought this machine (2 years ago) it was w/DOOMIII in mind - I guessed right on the system and won't need to upgrade for min playability. Video card is the limiter, here, so I may be looking to upgrade that. Otherwise I'm in excess in the other reqs.
on a side note: I'm tickled to death to learn that when I bought this machine (2 years ago) it was w/DOOMIII in mind - I guessed right on the system and won't need to upgrade for min playability. Video card is the limiter, here, so I may be looking to upgrade that. Otherwise I'm in excess in the other reqs.