Sorcie's Useless Chilling Armor Vs. Inferno
I was playing through the Frigid Highlands with my level 27 Sorceress when the the little magic-casting imps got me so angry I cast Chilling Armor on myself (the 'useless' one that flings icebolts back to ranged attackers and is only good for ping-pong). So I was cruising along, actually quite content with having the little buggers slowed by Chilling Armor for me to hit with a Glacial Spike, when I get stuck next to an Inferno-casting imp on a tower. Before I am able to jump out of harm's way, the tower crumbles. Not thinking about it too much, I move on, freeing Barbarians trapped in their little jails. Soon after, I'm caught by an imp on a Crush Beast casting Inferno. This time, I realize that a steady stream of icebolts is taking the Crush Beast's health down fairly quickly while I am taking NO DAMAGE from the Inferno. "Hehe, this is fun," I think to myself.

Thinking it was a fluke, I try out the Inferno-on-Chilling-Armor thing again. And again, I suffer no damage while the Crush Beast is frozen to death. Then I try it on an imp in a tower, and again, it kills itself. Then I think, "What if this worked against Diablo's Lightning-Inferno? Imagine - his most powerful spell rendered useless!" I never actually tried it with Diablo, because at that moment I decided I'd get a Sorceress friend to test Inferno vs. Chilling Armor.

So my friend enters the game, I hostile, and we go out into the cleared Bloody Foothills. I cast Chilling Armor, and he Infernos me. What I learned:

-Another Sorceress's Inferno still hurts, but is constantly interrupted by the ice bolts.
-Chilling Armor retaliates against a Thunder Storm bolt.
-Level 20 Thunder Storm with level 20 Lightning Mastery = OUCHIES

So I party up and go back to the Frigid Highlands, where I proceed to popsiclize everything I see, a little disheartened at the fact that the bug doesnt carry over to PvP battles. :rolleyes:

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Sorcie's Useless Chilling Armor Vs. Inferno - by Nonsensical - 02-18-2003, 02:12 AM

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