For maximum war cry bonuses, a barbarian would have to use one Call to Arms and one echoing weapon. The Call to Arms would give the +3 to the three specific skills and +1 to all skills, while the echoing weapon would give +3 to all war cries. So those three war cries would get +7 total from that setup.
The echoing prefix can spawn on (magic) barbarian helms, amulets and any weapon other than missile weapons (bows and crossbows), rods (staves, wands, and scepters), or non-barbarian class-specifics (claws, orbs, and amazon weapons).
For players, the resistances are normally capped at 75%, but +max resistance gear (or base points in the Paladin's single-resist auras) can raise this maximum up to 95%. Note that there is no gear that gives +maximum magic resistance, and the only item that gives magic resistance is a safety crafted shield. So for magic resistance, you really either have 0% (if you don't have a safety shield) or 5-10% (if you do have a safety shield).
Physical resistance is capped at 50%.
The echoing prefix can spawn on (magic) barbarian helms, amulets and any weapon other than missile weapons (bows and crossbows), rods (staves, wands, and scepters), or non-barbarian class-specifics (claws, orbs, and amazon weapons).
For players, the resistances are normally capped at 75%, but +max resistance gear (or base points in the Paladin's single-resist auras) can raise this maximum up to 95%. Note that there is no gear that gives +maximum magic resistance, and the only item that gives magic resistance is a safety crafted shield. So for magic resistance, you really either have 0% (if you don't have a safety shield) or 5-10% (if you do have a safety shield).
Physical resistance is capped at 50%.