Is anyone NOT going to play a Hunter next patch?
Actually in some ways the PvP server is better then Beta. Just look at this link, this would have never happened on PvP server:

There are many different ways to grief without killing someone - hijack mineral nodes, train mobs, or even simply kill off the mobs that you need for the quest. On Beta server one cannot do anything about this, but on PvP server you can kill that person, or even get a group to kill them if the said person is significantly higher level.

Not really defending various ganking that goes on in PvP server, but rather poiting out that the Beta server isn't so wholesome either.

Edit: Oh, and don't go to PvP server if you decide to play horde. The Hillsbrad is just a mess.

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Is anyone NOT going to play a Hunter next patch? - by lemekim - 08-08-2004, 03:51 AM

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