08-07-2004, 10:59 PM
Do mods on a weapon such as "level 9 fanaticism when equipped" stack when a paladin has another equipped aura?
Do act II mercenaries innate auras stack with auras given to them by certain weapons?
Do two equipped call to arms weapons stack properly with a barbarian ( that is, do they add +13 battle orders, +5 battle command, +7 battle cry, and +1 to all other skills?). If not what do they add if you have one on a barbarian, or two on a barbarian?
thanks in advance if anyone knows the answers to these questions.
Do act II mercenaries innate auras stack with auras given to them by certain weapons?
Do two equipped call to arms weapons stack properly with a barbarian ( that is, do they add +13 battle orders, +5 battle command, +7 battle cry, and +1 to all other skills?). If not what do they add if you have one on a barbarian, or two on a barbarian?
thanks in advance if anyone knows the answers to these questions.