Is anyone NOT going to play a Hunter next patch?
Crusader,Aug 6 2004, 12:47 PM Wrote:I myself am ready for some pvp action but I know some (most?) of you are against that option. The next patch would bring fixes to the pvp environment though.
As long as this kind of thing is going on on a regular basis, I myself would prefer to stay off the PvP server. I know that Blizzard is working on ways to stop this from going on, but all the incentives in the world they could put in to NOT do this still wouldn't stop it from happening. I'm eager to try out the PvP server at some point, but for one thing there are still many Lurkers who are in the "exploration" phase of the game. Exploring the World of Warcraft is very difficult if you get ganked by level 50's the moment you step out of the "safe" zones for your faction. Perhaps in Phase 5, but for Phase 4 I'll stick with the beta server. I miss my Horde characters, and I'm feeling like starting a Warrior. Yes, I didn't really like my first jaunt with one, but I'm determined to give the class a chance (especially now with talents) and develop one to maturity. I just can't decide whether to make my Horde warrior a Tauren or an Orc. :)

By the way, that thread linked to above makes for fascinating psychological reading. The posters in there run the gamut of "obvious griefers" to "those who don't understand PvP at all." While PvP is still completely pointless, I do enjoy the fact that it draws about 90% of all griefers AWAY from the beta server.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

Messages In This Thread
Is anyone NOT going to play a Hunter next patch? - by Bolty - 08-06-2004, 06:20 PM

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