Is anyone NOT going to play a Hunter next patch?
Both the taurens and undead have nice starting areas in my opinion. Orcs and Trolls start cheesy as they are quickly dumped into a barrens-like environment. After level 10 any horde character can go wherever he wishes, so I personally would head off to silverpine forest and the sepulcher as I find that the best area for a horde char in it's teens (and I hate the hunting quests in the crossroads,aside from the barrens still being too darn huge). Still undecided what race I'll pick. Hunters are available to Taurens, orcs and trolls, so I'm inclined to start another Tauren. I don't like the way trolls look. Maybe an orc, I don't know.

Another possibly interesting question; what server? I myself am ready for some pvp action but I know some (most?) of you are against that option. The next patch would bring fixes to the pvp environment though.
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Is anyone NOT going to play a Hunter next patch? - by Crusader - 08-06-2004, 03:53 PM

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