07-28-2004, 03:15 AM
Quote:Which part is offensive? Communism is a rather big deal. Maybe you don't remember but there was that whole thing with a wall, some l33t d00d named Unkle Karl, that old coot in a wheel chair Lenin, and some haxx0r named Stalin. Red vs. Blue (and I don't mean Halo!)? The NEP? Doctors Plot? Stalin? Cuban Missile Crisis? Engels?
I'm guessing your an American... I assure that most of the rest of the world doesn't share the same fear of communism that American's share. I doubt there is nothing I can say here that will change your mind about communism, but MHO is known... I also think that Hitler was much worse than Stalin.
Quote:Zooooom! This is the sound of a point being missed!
:huh: explain?
Quote:Okay, heres a good rule to stick by when discussing. I'll refer to it as the "How to make intelligent people hate you for good reason, rule"
Ok, in my quoted line I say that I understand where gekko is coming from, and I'm sorry I said what I said, and suggest we talk about what the thread was created for. I don't think this is baiting at all.