I, Robot
The Robot protagonist Sonny voice actor was Alan Tudyk, and the 3D modeling now-a-days also mimics the actual acting of the voice actors.

He does a damn fine job of acting, and you're perfectly right about Will Smith's "acting." I have a beef against Will Smith for the same reason. He doesn't act. He's just himself. Will Carey, however much nutty his characters can revert to sometimes, Will carey does act. Will Smith is Will Smith, not Del Spooner in I, Robot and most notably in the first half hour. At least he shuts up in the rest of the movie. That gives the illusion of acting while everyone else makes up for him.

You know, the basic premise of I, Robot's emotion being stereotypically better than logic (and robots being evil) going against Asimov's love of logic, and rational behaviour wouldn't be so bad if Del Spooner had given Sonny an 'eye wink' for the his emotional plea, and Sonny given another eye wink back--thus showing Sonny the Robot knewa better logical solution rather than simply caving into emotional plea.

Realizing "Hey! I can save both!" instead of I must save one or the other.

Messages In This Thread
I, Robot - by Drasca - 07-24-2004, 04:54 PM
I, Robot - by Urza-DSF - 07-24-2004, 06:36 PM
I, Robot - by [wcip]Angel - 07-24-2004, 06:45 PM
I, Robot - by Drasca - 07-24-2004, 06:59 PM
I, Robot - by Urza-DSF - 07-24-2004, 07:17 PM
I, Robot - by Guest - 07-24-2004, 09:49 PM
I, Robot - by Refrigerator - 07-26-2004, 05:47 AM
I, Robot - by BruceGod - 07-26-2004, 08:53 AM
I, Robot - by NiteFox - 07-26-2004, 04:54 PM
I, Robot - by pakman - 07-26-2004, 05:25 PM
I, Robot - by Oomph-aak - 07-26-2004, 09:35 PM
I, Robot - by Urza-DSF - 07-26-2004, 10:00 PM
I, Robot - by Drasca - 07-27-2004, 07:18 AM
I, Robot - by NiteFox - 07-27-2004, 05:41 PM
I, Robot - by Barrid - 07-27-2004, 08:43 PM
I, Robot - by Chaerophon - 07-27-2004, 10:12 PM
I, Robot - by Drasca - 07-27-2004, 11:16 PM
I, Robot - by Barrid - 07-28-2004, 12:16 AM
I, Robot - by jahcs - 07-28-2004, 04:01 PM
I, Robot - by Cryptic - 07-28-2004, 08:33 PM
I, Robot - by Roland - 07-29-2004, 10:06 PM
I, Robot - by LochnarITB - 07-30-2004, 02:05 AM
I, Robot - by Roland - 07-30-2004, 08:28 PM

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