What's the next version to be released? 1.11?
-Clean up line-of-sight for casting Chain Lightning and Lightning, it's horrible. I can be in a clear hallway and not be able to hit something I can see, thanks to the pillars/walls/etc getting in the way mysteriously. In D1 I could run a line of lightning along a wall. In D2 I have to be near the middle of the hallway or it won't fly.

-Allow Chain Lightning to auto-target enemies around corners more consistently. Basing this upon character line-of-sight is silly and unrealistic.

Fix some quest activation bugs/issues:

Act 1:
- Charsi shouldn't initiate the quest for the Horadric Malus until you've entered the Monastery's front door. Also, Charsi sometimes waits until the Countess quest is done before initiating this quest, but usually doesn't. Make this more consistent.
- If you read the moldy tome to initiate the Countess quest and then leave the game and start a new one, the quest won't show up as having been initiated.

Act 2:
- Increase the range at which the Summoner quest initiates. I usually have to kill the guy before I can go back to town because this quest initiates so close to his platform.

Act 3:
- Get rid of extraneous quest info regarding the Compelling Orb. After working to get Khalim's Flail built and hearing all of Cain's spiel, then I get told to "Ask Cain for more info." after smashing the orb, even though he's already given me a complete thesis on what to do.
- Allow Golden Figurines to drop more consistently while helping other players do their quests. This is such a pain right now I usually tell them to make a solo game and do it alone to guarantee they get the item.
- Have Ormus initiate the final quest earlier, like as soon as the player enters the Kurast Causeway.

Act 4:
- Have Cain wait to initiate the Hellforge quest until you actually enter the River of Flame. Currently he gives the quest immediately upon your entering Act 4.
- Have Tyrael wait to initiate the Izual quest until you have actually entered the Outer Steppes.

Act 5:
- The Rescue Soldiers quest lights up as soon as you enter the Frozen Steppes (can't recall the actual name) to grab the waypoint after offing Shenk. Make this quest initiate after talking to whats-his-name or once you get close enough to the soldiers, like the Council quest does.

That's it on quests. There are some loopholes that allow rushing to be about as easy as it was in 1.09, and I'm sure there are a few other points I forgot to mention.

- Get rid of the potential for stair traps in the Throne of Destruction and Countess tower.
- Get rid of the auto-hiring of rogues upon completing Akara's quest in Act 1. If I want a merc, I'll hire one.
- Adjust the sound environment for the Monastery gate, so that one can't hear interior sounds while still standing in the Tamoe Highland wilderness just outside.
- Won't happen, but it'd be nice if flames didn't cast shadows.
- Make the 'gifts' provided by Akara, Ormus and Anya more useful and make this usefulness occur more often than not. 99.9% of the time the gifts are junk compared to what I already have.
- Fix the bug that allows monsters and mercs to attack through doorways that are closed to the player.

Can't remember anything else right now, but I know there's quite a list.

Messages In This Thread
What's the next version to be released? 1.11? - by Smoketest - 07-12-2004, 01:56 AM

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