What's the next version to be released? 1.11?
To be honest, I don't think a new clone would be that great. I dislike the Diablo clone because it detracts from Diablo's uniqueness. I also think some of the 'guest' monsters are out of place in Act 5. Many of these were designed specifically for prior acts, and have no proper place in Act 5. Maybe keep Annihilus, but allow it to be gained some other way.

I'd like it if Hell difficulty was uncheesed, but still kept challenging. Seeing every other monster immune to something reminds me of a design weakness in D1 that typically reduced my powerful sorcerer to a stone-cursing melee fool. Normal is better since the patch, Nightmare is fun, but Hell is tedious.

Of course, fix the bugs. One that bothered me last night was with the boars in Act 5. Their attack animation doesn't match their attack calculation. In other words, they roll to attack once their swords are raised up, not while bringing them down. It's a bit odd to look at, and misleading if you are trying to get away before they drop their swords.

It might require some adjustments to prevent overpowering, but I'd rather see synergy bonuses reflect levels gained from items. I say this because Blizzard now gives us reason to spend many more points (to be viable in Hell), but they don't bother giving us more points per level or quest. Case in point: my 1.09 tri-elemental sorceress, designed to survive everywhere, is now too weak in Hell because her item-provided +9 or +10 to skills doesn't count toward synergy bonuses, and there's really no other way to spend limited skill points on a tri-elemental build. I've already modded this into my offline game, because I love playing tri-elementals.

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What's the next version to be released? 1.11? - by Smoketest - 07-10-2004, 06:26 PM

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