Want to try a great online web game...
These are a doozy...

F Lon - NtS
F StP (NC) - Nor
A Swe - Den
F Hel sup F London - NtS
F Liv - NAt
F Wal - Eng

-Civil Disorder-

F Den - NtS
F Pru - Liv
A Sil - War
A Mun sup A Sil - War (Invalid order)
A Hol holds

F Gre - Bul
A Serbia sup A Gal - Rum
A Gal - Rum
A Tri - Bud
A Tyr - Mun

-Civil Disorder-

A Ukr sup A Galicia-Warsaw (No such move was made)
A Rum hold
A Bulg hold (disbanded)
A Con hold
F Blk hold
A Ste - Moscow

F IoS - AeS
F Nap - IoS
A Ven holds
A Apu sup A Ven hold

I know. F Nor-Stp and hope for a bounce (and if not bounced, then make an A Swe-Nor; F StP-Nor bounce to save Norway from the German fleet.
I bet on a French attack on Britain not being able to hit a Home center before the next Builds came in. And I got more than I bargained for with the French failure to cut orders.

The Austrians and Italians: it's hard to tell if that is cooperation or a desperate Italian play for Greece. But I wouldn't bet on Turkey's continued free romp through the wastes of Russia.

GM is applying the "civil disarray does not mean resource center collapse" judgement. If anyone wants to take a Russian supply center, they have to stick to it until the Fall turn.

[Image: 1903April.jpg]

Looking back in retrospect, if the Austrian had made A Tyr-Boh instead, he could have caused a timely panic with the Warsaw occupation. Does Austria play A Boh-Sil on the road to Berlin? Does Germany counter with A Mun-Sil to bounce? Does Austria, anticipating this and making a diplomatic feint, order A Boh-Mun instead? Or does Germany really mess up and try using the Warsaw unit and try a double bounce of A Mun-Sil; A War-Sil, with Austria then giving the order of A Boh sup A War-Sil and causing Warsaw to revert back to Russian control?

Like I said, a panic. Getting the enemy to worry about something is as valuable as actually depriving him of a resource. Muddle his priorties a bit. Spread him out a mite too thin for his own health.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.

Messages In This Thread
Want to try a great online web game... - by Irre - 02-26-2003, 01:29 PM
Want to try a great online web game... - by Quark - 02-26-2003, 09:02 PM
Want to try a great online web game... - by Rhydderch Hael - 03-30-2003, 12:22 AM

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