03-27-2003, 10:30 PM
AssA,Mar 27 2003, 03:14 PM Wrote:Ilvl doesn't matter. If it's found in normal, it won't get 6 sockets, if it's found in NM/Hell, it will get 6. (Unless battle bows have a lower maximum number of sockets, ofcourse :P )Actually it is the ilvl that does matter, not the difficulty that it was found in. For a bow to get 6 sockets from the socket quest would require that the bow itself have a max of 6 gemsockets (which Long Battle Bows do) AND that the ilvl be 40+ (based on the itemtypes.txt max sockets by ilvl data). Only a few of the monsters in normal difficulty will have a level of 40+ for this. In the Pits of Abaddon, only the minataur boss packs would have a mlvl of 40 (43 for the boss himself). The rest o fthe monsters are too low.
In normal difficulty a randomly dropped socketed item will be limited to 3 sockets and in nightmare these randomly dropped items would be limited to 4 sockets. To get more sockets you will need to use the socket quest on an item with a sufficent ilvl or wait till hell difficulty to find one.