06-03-2004, 04:41 PM
nobbie,Jun 3 2004, 11:51 AM Wrote:Yes, the "Defiled Warrior" type monsters were ridiculously weak in patch 1.09, and in the original patch 1.10 they were retardely strong (Pindle area, anyone? :)). Reason for their strength in 1.10 was however not an increased Charge level (which is still just level 1 (+ skill level depending on game difficulty)) but their massively increased physical damage output combined with their very high "To Hit" chance which should be almost 100% using Charge. I generally liked their new strength and the "surprise" effect though, and so I tried to make a compromise for my MOD. The "Defiled Warrior" types, like all other monster in the MOD, have their physical damage output now reduced by 15% in Nightmare and Hell difficulty so that they're still very strong but not the 1-hit killers anymore. Also, all monster densities, speeds and hitpoints have been reduced by 15% each in Nightmare and Hell. They're still strong enough though to kill you if you simply run into a mob of them, especially minor bosses. Some tactics are required now ;) If you see mobs of them, just approach them carefully and lure them away to take them out step by step. Just one point in Sanctuary on a Pally (or an Azurewrath sword) works wonders, by the way. There's basically just one situation where they can be quite nasty and that is if you get cursed by either a boss or the Succubi's "magic balls" (in the WSK level 1). In this case, you should be even more careful.Well, it's probably a symptom of my low life, but the strategy thing's just what I'm doing now-a-days. I've been running like crazy, trying to use the terrain, whatever I can to get them at most three or four on me at a time, instead of the whole packs wailing on me at once. I've even been making sure to close the distance quickly so they don't charge as often. And, still the deaths. And more deaths. And deaths some more. And just one more death, for good measure.
As we are on the topic "monsters and player skills": The Bone Spear casting Serpent Magi can now be found in the temple in the Valley of Snakes in Nightmare and Hell. They're weaker than their Act 5 pendants in the original 1.10 patch though to adapt their strength to Act 2.
Bah. And now I have to clear out Pindleskin's area again. I coudn't tank Pindleskin (I tried, that was the first death) so I had to have room to manuever, which involves again clearing out the large outdoor area just before him. Now, there are, apparently, a whole helluva lot of these zombies out there. I had to use about half an hour, and a couple of choke points to keep them from slaughtering me so easily, and still I ended up, repeatedly, dead with my corpse under the portal to town, so that as soon as I go back to recover my equipment, BAM, dead.
Eventually I cleared those out, and took on Pindleskin, which was even worse, because he was extra fast. There was simply no way to string those out in such a small place. More deaths. Took him down, eventually, since they really don't have much hp.
So, I get into the Halls of Anguish, and start clearing it out. While I'm ripping up some Arachs, charge, bam, dead. Didn't see that one. He was hiding in a corner, doing a pretty good job of blending in with the surroundings.
On the way to grab my corpse, I woke up a LEB/CEB Frenzytaur pack. Another quarter of a level down, and eventually I gave up.
Well, rambling aside, I guess the verdict so far is that my character is just pathetically weak?
Durn. And yes, I'm from Missouri, so I'm allowed to say Durn. I'm fluent in Redneck, you know.