05-30-2004, 05:27 AM
Quote:Can you think of a better combination?Well, an enigma hammerdin :) The way to make it a combination (we're working on a pair like that with my friend) is, that the sorc is the 'enigma' part, and the paladin is the 'hammerdin' part (as in: I tele, he kills). Hammerdins kill like there is no tomorrow, but some (like me) find them too tedious to play. If I had to pick, I'd go with an avenger/meteor combo (just keep throwing rocks on your mate and nothing survives). This might be more beneficial, since the sorc might be able to wear an all-out MF gear (we're talking Baal runs, right?) after she teleported down to the Throne, since the avenger will be taking most of the hits.