Looking to become a first time mozilla user
I believe it when I see it. I've been using the newest Logitech drivers since like version 6.4 and I have never had one version work right with the scoll wheel/button and I've used a few versions that claim to fix it.

Nothing against you Walkiry, I just have a love hate with Logitech. Their hardware is generally sooooooo much nicer feeling for me and their drivers have some great features, which I love. But then their drivers break so many things that other drivers don't.... I'll have to download the newest version again and try it. What are they at now 9.9 something? Maybe the 30th time is the charm...

Edit: No, it's not, it's still 9.791 for the newest, which does not fix those problems. Scroll wheel doesn't zoom in Sacred, middle button doesn't work to open in new tab or close a tab in Firefox.... Sigh.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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Looking to become a first time mozilla user - by Kevin - 05-28-2004, 11:41 PM

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