Looking to become a first time mozilla user
The full Mozilla Suite contains a browser, mail application, IRC chat client, HTML editor, and possibly some other stuff I'm forgetting right now. I haven't used the full suite in awhile, but when I did it all worked great.

The only problem I saw with it was that I didn't want/need half of the stuff that was bundled. It was bloated. Indeed, the direction that the Mozilla project is heading in is to split apart all of the Mozilla components into standalone applications.

Mozilla Firefox (previously known as Firebird, and before that, Phoenix) is the standalone web browser. It's a damn good one too. It's definitely my browser of choice, and I've tried them all. It's small, sleek, and ultra-customizable. That last point is key -- if there is something you don't like about Firefox, I can almost guarantee that there is a way to change it to suit your preference. Hell, if you love the IE interface you can copy it exactly.

I could go on and on about Firefox's features, but the two that are most appealing are built-in pop-up blocking and tabbed browsing. I just can't browse without them anymore.

BTW, in my experience Firefox displays 99.99% of webpages flawlessly. I can literally go weeks and weeks without having to revert to IE to view a badly-written website.

edit: Here's what Firefox looks like for me, after spending a fair bit of time customizing it to suit me.
As you can see, I like the minimalist approach. I've done away with all the menu items I never use, and I've placed everything on one line to maximise viewing area. I'm currently using the Breeze theme, but I can tend to change it every so often when I get bored.

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Looking to become a first time mozilla user - by DeeBye - 05-27-2004, 01:53 AM

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