Chesspiece_face,May 25 2004, 08:21 AM Wrote:The "hit nothing" phenomenon is part of all classes. There are areas where it is obviously a bug, but in general you will not hit nearly as much as the % on your character screen says. Most of the characters i play right now say they have a 93% chance to hit in hell. I would say i hit more like 40-50%. What is really funny is my barb has a 90 some-odd chance to hit in hell and even when i throw on an Ignore Target Defense weapon i still end up missing just as much. Ignore target defense supposedly maxes out your chance to hit a normal mob at 95%. Personally i think that last 5% has a hidden 0 after the five. It's possible that it has something to do with the random number generator in the code for generating the hit/miss check. The hit/miss ratio just becomes all the more apparant with classes that attack things very fast.Yes you are right. That hit percentage is a shameful lie! It was obvious immediately when it starts to display (in the version 1.07 classic) and Blizzard "repaired" it in some patch. Now it seems it's bad again. Not so apparently as in 1.07, but it is.
Another thing i've noticed is that a lot of the times it looks like you are missing (a la not showing a hit through animation or sound) you actually are. you can see this happaning if you square off against a high hit point mob.
Just look at the version history and you realize, that Diablo2 is one big bug where nothing remained the same as it was B)
And that ignore target's defense probably doesn't make you hit all the time because hit is calculated from your AR, monster's defense and your level and monster's level too. This only discards defense but there is still that level counting. (not sure how it really works)