Guild Wars Is up and Running.
LochnarITB,May 16 2004, 11:54 AM Wrote:The catapult was fun.  The people in my group hadn't done the mission before.  Once we had the catapult put together, it was fired.  It laid waste to the entire monster encampment below.  Everyone said "Wow" or "Amazing" almost simultaneously.  I tried firing it again but it wouldn't fire.  :angry:  I hoped we would have to fix more of them just to see the devastation it brought to the monsters our party struggled against.
Actually there was a nother catapult in there on a hill next to the walls that was surrounded by the tunnel.

Me and my teammates used that catapult for good use, we had one lure the monsters to the impact zone of the catapult and another one to shoot the catapult (Me) and kill all the enemies, a minor setback was that the catapult killed our "lurer" so the monk had to repeatedly ressurect him :).

Quote:he most effective parties I was in seemed to be half and half warrior/anythings and ranger/monks

The most effective party I was in seemed to be a nice mixture of everything with a slightly higher monk ratio (1 primary and 1 secondry), with the right people there are some spells that work incredibly well in parties, for example, the epidemics could work very well with the Rotten Flesh spell that would make everyone in the vicinity get Diseased (which oh so bloody hurt my poor Elementalist).
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"

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Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Jim - 05-12-2004, 12:34 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Artega - 05-12-2004, 01:25 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by LochnarITB - 05-12-2004, 01:26 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Iolair - 05-12-2004, 02:13 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Dmitri - 05-12-2004, 03:05 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Bolty - 05-12-2004, 03:35 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Artega - 05-12-2004, 04:47 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Thecla - 05-12-2004, 05:47 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by LochnarITB - 05-12-2004, 09:02 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Walkiry - 05-12-2004, 09:43 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Selby - 05-12-2004, 01:25 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Fragbait - 05-12-2004, 04:15 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by LochnarITB - 05-12-2004, 08:18 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Fragbait - 05-12-2004, 08:32 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Artega - 05-12-2004, 10:09 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Fragbait - 05-12-2004, 10:19 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Tal - 05-12-2004, 10:27 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Fragbait - 05-12-2004, 10:47 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by LochnarITB - 05-13-2004, 12:26 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Artega - 05-13-2004, 03:12 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by FoxBat - 05-13-2004, 04:42 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by WarLocke - 05-13-2004, 05:30 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by LochnarITB - 05-13-2004, 05:35 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by SwissMercenary - 05-13-2004, 06:59 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by yangman - 05-13-2004, 07:38 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Iolair - 05-13-2004, 12:29 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by LochnarITB - 05-13-2004, 08:01 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Artega - 05-14-2004, 12:48 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by TaiDaishar - 05-15-2004, 09:49 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Jim - 05-15-2004, 01:44 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Bolty - 05-15-2004, 02:51 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Jim - 05-15-2004, 05:39 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by LochnarITB - 05-15-2004, 09:04 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Jim - 05-15-2004, 10:12 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by LochnarITB - 05-16-2004, 01:51 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by TaiDaishar - 05-16-2004, 05:06 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by vor_lord - 05-16-2004, 05:19 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by FoxBat - 05-16-2004, 07:57 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Thecla - 05-16-2004, 07:58 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by LochnarITB - 05-16-2004, 09:03 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by Thecla - 05-16-2004, 09:29 AM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by ceolstan - 05-16-2004, 04:11 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by TaiDaishar - 05-16-2004, 08:35 PM
Guild Wars Is up and Running. - by LochnarITB - 05-16-2004, 10:42 PM

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