Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10
Hi TheCloakedOne

I take it that you haven't understand the screenshot that NiteFox showed at the previous page. If that is the case then let's take it from the beginning.

Your default game folder should be at : my computer -> program files -> DiabloII. Open the game folder and inside you will find a file named Patch_D2.mpq.

Download Nobbie's MOD (make sure you have the program called winzip) open the zip file and inside you will find a file called Patch_D2-D2X110_CMS.mpq. Take this file and copy - paste it into the D2 folder that I mention above.

So now you have the two files in the same folder. Take the original file (Patch_D2.mpq) and, by right clicking, rename it to anything you like. Now take Nobbie's file and rename it to Patch_D2 (That means that you just erase the D2X110_CMS part of the name).

Now the game will see the file from the MOD and not the original. Be careful, you might not be able to see the .mpq of the files. That's ok change the names only. That happens if your computer is set on not to show the type of the file.

Hope this works
Have fun
AKA Coldheart at the Basin.<!--fontc--><!--/fontc-->

Messages In This Thread
RE: Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10 - by davidj8580 - 08-21-2014, 08:02 PM
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