HC Wind/Summoner Druid
After playing my first few Hardcore characters, both of which who were Sorcies who died in early-mid Act II Normal,
I decided to start playing a hardcore wind/summoner druid, and seem to be doing reasonably ok. I was hoping for some advice/comments on my progress so far, and maybe some equipment advice too.

I'm going for an Arctic Blast/Tornado druid, and probably getting synergies around those two skills.
I also plan for some minion support, probably from DireWolves mainly, and some Oak Sage to increase my life. I've also got some minor support from Ravens, not so much for the damage, but for the blinding effect

So far I'm at level 25, in early Kurast with the following main skills, with all required pre-regs @ 1

Arctic Blast @ 10
Cyclone Armour @ 4
Raven @ 4
Direwolf @ 3
Tornado @ 2
Oak Sage @ 1

Opinions on my skill distribution so far, and advice on how to proceed, as well as good equipment would be much appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
HC Wind/Summoner Druid - by Rohar - 05-04-2004, 03:41 PM
HC Wind/Summoner Druid - by Minionman - 05-04-2004, 09:15 PM
HC Wind/Summoner Druid - by Wyrm - 05-05-2004, 03:16 AM

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