OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing
Well, I don't much like the expansion to Diablo II. I think it's alright, but not that great. What it was trying to do, in my opinion, was take a really great game, and instead of expanding on the great game, it instead tried to make a whole new great game out of a few basics of the original. Please note that in my opinion it failed; like I said, it's alright, but not great.

Of course, with all of this, I've been playing this "alright" game since the day after it came out. It's "alright" in comparison to the rest of the series, which was "great", so it's still really good.

Anyway, a while back I was reading Sirian's Webpage, (of which I've been a huge fan for a very long time) and I started reading through all the old reports, just remembering the good old stuff. I came across Hotfoot II, in the expansion, where Sirian went over his problems with the expansion pack, and I agreed.

So I uninstalled the expansion pack. I found a copy of patch 1.06, and I loaded it up. Awesome. It took a few minutes to get past the sudden decrease in the resolution, and the necessity of repairing things manually, but overall it's just as awesome as I remember it. Funtimes all around.

Any of the rest of you ever feel like doing this? Just up and quit this whole "lots of uniques with elites and uber-annoying sudden changes from the extremes of easy and hard and a whole lot of not being able to find good items without lots of pointless mfing" thing? We should all start a revolution. Really, it'll be fun. We'll go overboard with the decapitation, and then find a new, crazier emperor, like the French did that one time.

As to the rest of this: What rest of this? I didn't specify anything else!

So, I need to be up early tomorrow. Sleepy times.

Messages In This Thread
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by Bob the Beholder - 05-04-2004, 03:41 AM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by nobbie - 05-04-2004, 09:44 AM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by Minionman - 05-04-2004, 03:12 PM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by mageofthesands - 05-04-2004, 10:25 PM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by Wyrm - 05-05-2004, 02:56 AM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by Bob the Beholder - 05-05-2004, 03:04 AM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by Wyrm - 05-05-2004, 03:41 AM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by Bob the Beholder - 05-05-2004, 04:31 AM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by NiteFox - 05-05-2004, 07:47 AM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by Bob the Beholder - 05-05-2004, 08:03 PM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by Fragbait - 05-11-2004, 07:51 PM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by lfd - 05-11-2004, 08:06 PM
OH GNOZ - Expansion bashing - by Fragbait - 05-11-2004, 08:38 PM

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