Shamans do get some spells that are not very useful to put it lightly. Forstbite, Chainlightning, Magma totem... There are a few other spells and totems that rarely see use. Some other ones need tweaking to be more useful (Astral Recall, Mana Fount totem, even IMO the higher level healing totems). Those I would like to see tweaked.
But on the other hand there are some spells that rarely see action, but in right situations are very useful. I don't think they need tweaking at all. Far sight and Cure Poison are quite good. Purge can be very useful (consider some mobs who cast holy shield on themselves; normally a huge pain, but purge removes it and makes them a piece of cake).
And I think you are right about some spells being unavailable. There is no Air Totem at level 30 as there are fire and water. You just get the stone and nothing else. And the only air totem that I know of is a sentry totem at lvl 34, so the Air Totem line is essentially not there. I also expect to see a spirit totem at higher levels (40+) as well, and there seem to be some spells missing at levels 32+.
To sum it up, the shamans feel not as refined and finished class as other classes are. They definately need some tweaks and additions of missing spells, but I see that as normal seeing that they were only available for one push.
P.S. Almost forgot. I really would love to see some kind of crowd control. Any kind really. The only thing he has is a stoneclaw totem, but that does not even last its full duration of whopping 15 seconds against monsters of your own level. It would be good to see either an improvement in this totem, or another spell that would give at least some kind of crowd control.
But on the other hand there are some spells that rarely see action, but in right situations are very useful. I don't think they need tweaking at all. Far sight and Cure Poison are quite good. Purge can be very useful (consider some mobs who cast holy shield on themselves; normally a huge pain, but purge removes it and makes them a piece of cake).
And I think you are right about some spells being unavailable. There is no Air Totem at level 30 as there are fire and water. You just get the stone and nothing else. And the only air totem that I know of is a sentry totem at lvl 34, so the Air Totem line is essentially not there. I also expect to see a spirit totem at higher levels (40+) as well, and there seem to be some spells missing at levels 32+.
To sum it up, the shamans feel not as refined and finished class as other classes are. They definately need some tweaks and additions of missing spells, but I see that as normal seeing that they were only available for one push.
P.S. Almost forgot. I really would love to see some kind of crowd control. Any kind really. The only thing he has is a stoneclaw totem, but that does not even last its full duration of whopping 15 seconds against monsters of your own level. It would be good to see either an improvement in this totem, or another spell that would give at least some kind of crowd control.