Blizzard employees work at Princetown University
kandrathe Posted on Apr 29 2004, 01:21 AM
Quote:Two of her accounting courses were the kind where the prof only awarded 1 A, and a handful of B's in a class of 100 students

This is what I was getting at in my earlier statement that students should recieve the grade they earn. I was in a course a few years ago where 6 students were within 3 points of each other at the top of the class. Another 20 or so students were doing average work. The rest of the class, about 15 students, were doing just enough to get by. The students struggling with (and that cared about) the material were in the second category because they applied themselves, asked for help, turned in all assignments, and attended class, even on non-test days. Those top students earned about 97% of the points available that quarter. This instructor did not believe in extra credit. Two of the six recieved A's because of his grading scale.

I was one of those two so please don't think I was writting this because I felt spurned by the instructor. Looking at the overall rank chart for the class it was fairly easy to see what the grades could be. Top six: A's, 25 B's/mostly C's, and about 10 D's. Instead it was 2 A'S, 4 B's, about 30 C's, and 4 D's. No one failed but a couple of Incompletes were given out.
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Blizzard employees work at Princetown University - by jahcs - 04-29-2004, 04:59 PM

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