04-26-2004, 02:42 PM
Three expectant ladies of shall we say "diminished hair-coloration" are sitting in the waiting room of their OB-GYN. The first quips, "We are going to have a daughter, because I was on top."
The second replies, "We are going to have a son, because he was on top."
At this point the third bursts into tears, sobbing uncontrolably.
"What's wrong???" the other two inquire.
Biting back her tears, she wails, "I"M GONNA HAVE PUPPIES!"
The second replies, "We are going to have a son, because he was on top."
At this point the third bursts into tears, sobbing uncontrolably.
"What's wrong???" the other two inquire.
Biting back her tears, she wails, "I"M GONNA HAVE PUPPIES!"