Anyone know... Combo Boxes in Excel 2003?
Edit: Heh. xposted :P

I have a sheet set up that has a dropdown, but does not use a combo box, but it works really well for what I do, and sounds like it might work for you as well.

Look into Data Validation. I have a cell (A2) set up as

Data Validation--
Allow : List
Source : =$E$1:$E$9 ( where my list of choices are)

E1:E9 has my long error codes in English that users can read and understand. “The user entered in an invalid value”
F1:F9 has a numeric code - 1,2,3, etc
H1:H9 has the related short error code abbreviations that no one remembers. “ID10T”

In the next cell over, I have

That allows me to pull the ‘short’ code (ID10T) for the longer error code selected in the dropdown.

I know it’s not exactly what you asked for, but it works well for me, and it might work well for you, or others ;)

Messages In This Thread
Anyone know... Combo Boxes in Excel 2003? - by Nvts - 04-26-2004, 01:37 PM

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