Battletech Simulator development project:
A rapidly growing group of people (myself included) have begun a project. It's goal is to develop a next generation, open source, community developed simulator. It will most likely be based on the combined arms combat of the Battletech universe ('Mechs, Vehicles and Aerotech).

I'm posting this here at the Lurker Lounge because I remember there are Battletech fans here. Also, because there might be coders, modelers, artists, would be game designers and just ideas people that would like to do this for experience/fun.

The Idea for this project originated at the NetBattletech league for Mechwarrior 4 (the game). It's currently in the concept and engine selection stage.

These are the threads that currently discuss and decide how to proceed further:

This is where the idea began.

Project team structure. If you wish to join up, post here.

Engine selection discussion.

If you're at all interested after reading those threads, we'd love to have you. Thanks for reading.

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Battletech Simulator development project: - by TriggerHappy - 04-25-2004, 11:17 PM

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