Want to try a great online web game...
Aye, I'll take your words to heart. It will now be up to just how rosy the smell of the BS I'll shovel out is going to be...

Wireless Telegraph from H.M.S. Resolute, flagship 3rd Squadron, Royal Navy

Admiralty, Greenwich directive recieved. Squadron transition effected coast of Sussex for maritime patrol. Weather conditions: fair seas, wind 10 knots WNW. Colliers on station. Piped aboard.

To XXXX XX XXXXX, Ambassador of the French Republic,
As per the orders above, given to the 3rd Squadron posted in London, that fleet was directed to sail west to Wales. The sole purpose of this action is to clear the quays of the port of London in preparation for the activation of the 4th RN Squadron. Alas, the West India company did not deem it feasible to clear their docks of commercial vessels, thus preventing the establishment of a new fleet in London whilst another remained at station there. It was deemed by the Admiralty that setting the fleet north into the coastal waters of Yorkshire would create, as my American compatriot told me, a "log-jam" when the 4th and 5th Squadrons (forming in London and Edinburgh, respectively) would put three fleets attempting entry into two waterways whilst the 1st Squadron (currently in the north) has already arrayed itself into those same waters. Requiring more sea room than is available has become our problem of late, I am humbled to say.
It is the intended operational tempo of the Royal Fleets to re-direct the 3rd Squadron now situated in Wales to return east to London once the 4th Squadron makes to the North Sea, ultimately in preparation of a Baltic drive against the German Imperial naval forces. In this course, it was deemed a more responsible action that the 3rd Squadron make to the Cornish harbours in Wales instead of needlessly endangering our alliance by posting that unit into the English Channel proper. I hope your understanding of this has been attained. As of yet, the Republic has expressed no interest in utilizing our fleets for convoy operations, and until such venture is approached, they will be utilized to our own ends in Scandinavia and the Baltic regions.

I Have the Honour to Be &C
XXXXX X XXXXX, OBE, Ambassador of Great Britain.

If this didn't work, Im left to wonder just exactly how I have been able to dupe allies and enemies alike for as long as I have.

I may still have enough clout to spin a cock and bull tale of how I must hurriedly transfer via convoy my sole army into St. Petersburg, fearing an imminent Turkish conquest of that province and my requirement of breaking the cul-de-sac with an army instead of a fleet situated on the north coast. I could say the Liverpool fleet is heading into the NAt whilst another unit will take position in the Norwegian and/or Barents in order to swap units around.

F London is assuredly making to the North Sea to cut the German route of retreat into the Skag. It then becomes a matter of holding Denmark, Norway, and Sweden until the close of Fall by anticipating German attacks and maneuvering as neccessary to stand off all efforts on part of the German.

As to the Italian: I was lamenting at the player's complete lack of intiative to have set up the convoy chain in the Spring turn, not the Fall. This, of course, built on my foreknowledge that France as vacating the Iberian to move those forces east onto the continental frontiers of France. Italy could have grabbed one key build, something I was of the opinion the player was trying to sneak one from the Austrian in Greece.

I don't know if this is a matter of a first-time player panicking under the dire situation of playing the most dis-advantaged starting nation; or a guy who made too many promises to too many of the wrong people who grew strong around him and are now subtly strangling him to death.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.

Messages In This Thread
Want to try a great online web game... - by Irre - 02-26-2003, 01:29 PM
Want to try a great online web game... - by Quark - 02-26-2003, 09:02 PM
Want to try a great online web game... - by Rhydderch Hael - 03-23-2003, 04:53 AM

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