04-22-2004, 02:05 AM
Quote:The actual number is 14,281,868,906,496.
To put another perspective on this number, if one El rune dropped every second, it would take over 450,000 years of continuous, non-stop play to amass this number of runes. :blink:
Quote:Anyway, to keep it on topic, does anyone know what areas can give you Zod?
Zod's can only be found in Hell difficulty. All of the higher-level areas in Hell contain monsters which could potentially drop a Zod, but the odds in pretty much all cases are astronomically low.
According to ATMA's drop calculator, the earliest place you could expect to see a Zod drop is from a random boss in the Den of Evil, but the odds are less than 1 in 11,000,000. The first regular (i.e. non-boss, minion, or champ) monsters which could drop a Zod are Skeletons and Hungry Dead in the Crypt and Mausoleum, but their odds are less than 1 in 61,000,000.
The best odds of a Zod are from Diablo or Baal's first (quest reward) drop, at 1 in 2,987,183. After that, Hephasto and Nihlathak are the best bets, followed by Diablo or Baal non-quest reward drops. If these monsters aren't your cup of tea, any of the Act V Superuniques or seal bosses in the Chaos Sanctuary have the next best odds of giving you a Zod. Interestingly enough, Coldworm the Burrower in Act II, random Fetish bosses in the Spider Forest, and random Flayer bosses in the Flayer Jungle and Flayer Dungeon have the same odds of dropping a Zod as the Act V Superuniques do.
After these monsters, the odds drop by an order of magnitude. Regular monsters with the best odds of a Zod drop are Black Souls, Burning Souls, Dark Shapes, Doom Casters, Ghosts, Gloams, Specters, Storm Casters, Stranglers, and Wraiths in various areas of Acts III, IV, and V. Interestingly, these regular monsters actually have better odds of dropping a Zod than any of Baal's minions.
Hope this information helps you out and lends at least a bit of value to this thread. Happy hunting!
Even the mountains
Last not forever:
Someday they, too, shall
Crumble to dust.
Last not forever:
Someday they, too, shall
Crumble to dust.