04-20-2004, 11:33 AM
Quote:A zombie (already immune to cold) with stone skin, immune to physical, cold enchanted, and a fanaticism aura.In hell you don't melee with fanat monsters, they will kill you before you can react.
Quote:And to do something about my -11 cold resist...First cold enchanted boss is going to just kill you. Now imagine fire enchanted/cold enchanted, they deliver the fire damage with the cold explosion and the cold damage with the fire explosion.
Easiest way to fix resists without screwing up your other gear is just carry a load of charms. People just leave or drop non-perfect ones most of the time so they shouldn't be too hard to find.
If you happen to be on East HCL message me or find my account HC_CHODE ingame and we can party some. I got an enchantress who needs help with fire immunes.
Step 2: Acquire and train a monkey. This step may take some time.