Enchantress Plan
I have a ranged enchantress at level 65 right now just ending nightmare. My plan is to max orb in order to deal with fire immunes. Right now I'm running the NM countess to get enough runes together to make a Memory +3 enchant staff. Between the staff, Vipermagi and Lore I'll have +5 all skills +8 total to enchant. Then I have the mighty demon machine on as my main attack.

I want to have max resists as well as pouring as many stats as I can into life for those inevitable stray hits. I have max resists except poison in nightmare and am pretty sure I'll still have all my resists at least in the 50s in hell, probably higher. Demon machine and razortail are the only mandatory pieces of gear and I can live without razortail, I'm wondering what setup should I go for in the rest of the pieces?

Current setup -
Hat: Lore - not even sure what to go for there, probably a circlet that is better than lore
Amulet: Manoak Curio - going to try to craft something better in a few levels, probably caster. Anyone know at which level you can craft/gamble for +2 skills amulets?
Armor: Vipermagi - What are the opinions on Lionheart vs Viper? I can socket the Viper with an UM for 50% resists which would free up some inventory space from charms. Lionheart has a lot of decent mods but no skills.
Gloves: Laying of Hands - I'm just using it for the IAS and resists, not the demon damage so I think I can craft gloves with almost as good mods and knockback
Weapon: Demon Machine - what to socket? If I put 15% IAS in it I have more flexibility in the gloves space, if not what else should I socket in there? Ideal socket would be scintillating jewel of fervor but I'm not holding my breath on finding one of those.
Rings: Resist rares - If I find I can give up some resists I'll try to get a Raven but I'm not sure that would be that beneficial
Belt: Sigon - Still trying to trade for that Razortail
Boots: Resist rares - Any unique come to mind I should look for. My boots have no run but I don't seem to miss it.

Act 5 barb, serving me well so far, I'm afraid he will be shredded in hell.
Hat: Circlet with life leech, resists and enhanced damage (I think) - Is there a good crushing blow helmet?
Armor: Crow Caw - Would Rattlecage be better or would the hit causes flee just be annyoing?
Weapon: Crainte Vomir - The 50% IAS seems to work really well with the enchant damage, I'm more worried about about fire immunes so if I could get my mitts on a Frostwind I think that would be sweet.

Any other ideas or anything I'm missing?
Step 2: Acquire and train a monkey. This step may take some time.

Messages In This Thread
Enchantress Plan - by arrunique - 04-19-2004, 01:09 PM
Enchantress Plan - by Life - 04-19-2004, 06:55 PM
Enchantress Plan - by arrunique - 04-19-2004, 07:29 PM
Enchantress Plan - by gekko - 04-19-2004, 07:33 PM
Enchantress Plan - by adeyke - 04-19-2004, 07:46 PM
Enchantress Plan - by Caaroid - 04-23-2004, 12:37 PM

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