Want to try a great online web game...
I do not pretend to be an actual warrior, nor leader of men in war. But may I dare opine that I have attained just a little glimpse at the world of such men who are?

They say "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best." But I wonder if they understand the breadth of such logic...

...What is more distressing: thinking up just how hard the enemy can hurt you, or wondering what trick they have up their sleeve when everything is falling your way?

The latest Diplomacy moves have been published. For the above reason, I'm more upset at the outcome than I should really be:

I made all my plans on the contingency that the enemies would do their best to unseat me. The easiest way the German could have destroyed all my hope was to go F Den --> Skag (actually, I think he tried, but his order was unclear); A Kiel --> Den; and F Ber --> Bal. In this fashion, he would have taken Sweden without contest and even made a threat to St. Pete's or Norway as well. I thought I was sunk in this fashion.

But what do I get? Two nations in civic disarray (Russian player dropped out of game, Austrian failed to meet the deadline for moves), the Italian failing to exploit the Iberian convoy stab, the German giving up on Sweden and dropping south to reinforce against a (non-existent) Austrian play on Munich—and the utter failure of a nation to take Warsaw! No one made any moves concerning Warsaw!!

If the German player contests his F Den --> Den (Skag) order to carry through into the Skagerrak, he's in more for a world of hurt than if he keeps quiet. Because I had A Swe --> Den, and that would thus carry, I would get 3 builds in Spring 1903, and Germany loses 1 unit!

This is a Fall turn—grabbing resources is the name of the game at this point. The Warsaw debacle is a fortune for me, since Germany gets zero builds and lays Denmark bare.

Things are going my way, and I'm scared out of my boots.

"Art of war states that, until faced with evidence to the contrary, assume your enemy to be smarter—so play stupid early on and get the other guy to underestimate you..." Am I falling for this one? :unsure:

Skan, looks like I'm getting Denmark and/or Kiel in 1903, too...Unless I have other plans... *insert evil laugh here* ;)

I have to amend the map to show Builds.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.

Messages In This Thread
Want to try a great online web game... - by Irre - 02-26-2003, 01:29 PM
Want to try a great online web game... - by Quark - 02-26-2003, 09:02 PM
Want to try a great online web game... - by Rhydderch Hael - 03-22-2003, 07:02 AM

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