04-14-2004, 02:56 PM
Just FYI, you'll get better answers here if you:
1. Reply to the post you're inquiring about.
2. Don't quote irrelevant parts of the previous post.
3. Don't use "chat speak". It's not appreciated on this board.
In answer to your question, 1.10 provides Horadric Cube formulas for converting rares and uniques from normal to exceptional and exceptional to unique. They're quite handy for making some of the normal-grade uniques useful into Nightmare and beyond, and for giving exceptional unques and rares enough punch for Hell. You can look up the formulas at the Arreat Summit.
One upgrade I find cheap and beneficial is upgrading normal-grade unique and rare belts to exceptional grade for the four slots.
1. Reply to the post you're inquiring about.
2. Don't quote irrelevant parts of the previous post.
3. Don't use "chat speak". It's not appreciated on this board.
In answer to your question, 1.10 provides Horadric Cube formulas for converting rares and uniques from normal to exceptional and exceptional to unique. They're quite handy for making some of the normal-grade uniques useful into Nightmare and beyond, and for giving exceptional unques and rares enough punch for Hell. You can look up the formulas at the Arreat Summit.
One upgrade I find cheap and beneficial is upgrading normal-grade unique and rare belts to exceptional grade for the four slots.