02-16-2003, 01:51 PM
Quote:I have yet to understand why other nations are obligated to fall in line with US foreign policy. Can anyone explain this to me please? I am seriously confused.
They're not.
American interests, in this situation, have failed to convey themselves as important enough for the world to fall in line. The arguments involved and the current American government do little to convince people around the world of the supposed dire necessity of the situation. In fact, faith in the US has been on the decline for many years and this is simply shows the signs of the issue. I'm not talking about the French their, either, but all over the world.
Politics is supposed to be a game of manipulating other people to see your viewpoint. There are good politics and there are bad politics. In this case, many people have simply ceased to see or understand the importance of getting people to see your way of thinking and have become so vexed as to begin spewing nonsense and propaganda whenever the issue comes up. Thusly few people are convinced, and the world's alliances continue to decay, with no advantage or benefit to anyone involved.
As to these supposed issues of French fiancial gain, it shocks me as to the hypocrisy of those who bring it up when they defended American interests as being purely altruistic in the past. Since both governments have a past precedent for doing and allowing horrible, wicked things in the name of the almighty dollar, it shocks me anyone should get upset or try to use that argument as a lynchpin.
(BTW, the Russians do have firm fiancial interests in Iraq remaining as it is. Lots of debts and deals they would like to collect on)