03-21-2003, 02:39 AM
Quote:I just like the lower idiot count here at the Lounge sooooooooooo much better. Gaile and Elly and Flux don't want to attract idiots, but their popularity simply draws them like a flame draws moths.
Sort of like The Lounge back in Dii's heyday . . . and during the LoD Beta.
I just can't stress how important a low idiot count is to my continued intrest in reading LL forums. I've tried on many occasions to read either Blizzards or Dii's forums... but I just can't do it. I can instantly feel my brain turning into vegetable matter. My frontal lobe siezes up and I begin to wonder how we ever learned to control fire.
Of course, it's not Dii's fault. I visit their site all the time... I just have to stay away from the forums.