calculating defense and chance to be hit
I am working on a shockadin, a paladin using the holy shock aura with low level zeal. I am planning on using the unique sharktooth armor toothrow, partly for the open wounds and partly because it is the best armor I currently have. That armor has 198% enhanced defense, which started me wondering if it would be worth upgrading.

I have tried calculating the chance to be hit, but in DII the calculations are not always straightforward. I would appreaciate if someone could verify if the formulas are correct.

The armor has a defense of 816. A Kraken shell has a defense range from 417-523, so I used the average of 470. Upgraded, the defense would be 470 + 198% +45 = 1915.

Now, a level 5 holy shield has a bonus of 100% to defense (including the synergy). A high level defiant merc has a bonus of 240%, for a total bonus of 340%. (I am assuming the bonusus add. Is this correct?) So, now the defense with the origional armor is 3590, and the upgraded defense is 8426.

According to the Arreat Summit, Hell Lords have an attact rating of 6066. I will assume a level 85 character in the worldstone keep, so the monster level will also be 85.

The to hit formula is 100 * ( AR / AR + DR) * 2 * (alvl / alvl + dlvl). alvl (attacker level) and dlvl (defense level) are both 85, AR is 6066, and DR is either 3590 or 8426. That results in:

.................................defense.........defense with HS and aura.......chance to be hit
origional armor ...........815........................3590...................................62.8%
upgraded armor..........1915.......................8426...................................41.8%

If the formulas and calculations are correct, then upgrading the armor would result in a 20% reduction in the chance to be hit by a very tough monster, which is seems significant. However, nothing comes without a cost. The highest strength needed for the rest of the equipment is 109 (a socketed sacred rondache). A kraken shell needs a strength of 174, which is more than I want to spend. A jewel of freedom would reduce that to a more manageable 148. The extra 39 strength points would have to come out of vitality which would reduce life by 117.

So is being hit 20% less worth having 117 less in life?

Any thoughts or corrections would be appreaciated.



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calculating defense and chance to be hit - by WarriorWalrus - 03-21-2004, 11:42 PM

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