Having accumulated a decent amount of stuff, I thought I'd finally make a character to end all characters - better to have one great one than 4 good/mediocre ones. Problem is, which one to pick? I'm trying to design one that can go anywhere and more importantly, kill things at a pretty fast speed. I'm also going to be playing solo, with a focus on Pit running. I'm not really sure what could be considered the "best", so I'm going to try picking your brains to see what candidates I can come up with. ^_^
1. Hybrid Amazon (bow/javelin)
Pro : Lightning Fury with Titan's Revenge is pretty powerful, has Valkyrie, has Freezing Arrow
Cons : Doesn't do anything against Lightning Immunes, not very high damage overall.
2. Trap Assassin
Pros : Dual elemental damages, strong minion (Shadow Master) Death Sentry is a powerful skill
Cons : Needs +skills to achieve high damage
3. Bone Necro (with points in Revive)
Pros : Non-elemental damage in the form of Bone Spear, Revives can tank you, Bone Armor is good for extra health
Cons : Needs +skills and Marrowwalks to achieve high damage, low Vit overall
4. Rabies Werewolf
Pros : Rabies is uninterruptible, and does pretty good damage, low mana cost
Cons : No way to deal with Poison Immunes, poison damage takes some time to kick in
Any thoughts or builds that I might have overlooked? I'm brainstorming here, so basically anything is welcome.
P.S - One more note - no Hammerdins. I have one and playing him is deadly boring. Just throwing hammers all day...no fun.
Edit : I forgot to mention - this will be for Hell, so I'm going to need a build that is both tough and deadly. I'm not rich but I can afford most decent items, so go ahead and suggest anything that you think might be useful. It's also going to be for Softcore (Softcore Ladder to be precise) so dying is not that much of a problem (though of course I wouldn't want to die often)
1. Hybrid Amazon (bow/javelin)
Pro : Lightning Fury with Titan's Revenge is pretty powerful, has Valkyrie, has Freezing Arrow
Cons : Doesn't do anything against Lightning Immunes, not very high damage overall.
2. Trap Assassin
Pros : Dual elemental damages, strong minion (Shadow Master) Death Sentry is a powerful skill
Cons : Needs +skills to achieve high damage
3. Bone Necro (with points in Revive)
Pros : Non-elemental damage in the form of Bone Spear, Revives can tank you, Bone Armor is good for extra health
Cons : Needs +skills and Marrowwalks to achieve high damage, low Vit overall
4. Rabies Werewolf
Pros : Rabies is uninterruptible, and does pretty good damage, low mana cost
Cons : No way to deal with Poison Immunes, poison damage takes some time to kick in
Any thoughts or builds that I might have overlooked? I'm brainstorming here, so basically anything is welcome.
P.S - One more note - no Hammerdins. I have one and playing him is deadly boring. Just throwing hammers all day...no fun.
Edit : I forgot to mention - this will be for Hell, so I'm going to need a build that is both tough and deadly. I'm not rich but I can afford most decent items, so go ahead and suggest anything that you think might be useful. It's also going to be for Softcore (Softcore Ladder to be precise) so dying is not that much of a problem (though of course I wouldn't want to die often)