Advice on my Summons + Volcano druid?

I'm playing a Druid now, he is actually a re-creation of a mish-mash one that I had before I found out which Druid skills are "fun" to me and which arent.

So, I'm level 48 now and in nightmare and doing fine. I'm probably going to play through nightmare and hell and then level up a lot in act 5, probably to level 80. I have Str 70, Dex Base (not going for the Bow route), and I will shoot for 200 vit and 100 energy and anything past that will go to energy or vit as needed (I'd like to be able to chain cast my summons and not loose too much mana, with the right gear I think I can). I'm not going to tank, or do melee in any way, and I'm not going to do archery.

I have maxed Volcano and I am working on maxing Grizzly and Dire Wolves. I already have 10 in spirit wolf to beef up summons' AR and DEF. I have a might merc and I'm pumping Heart of Wolverine. Obviously I will rarely use spirit wolf, I'll be using the Dire Wolves and the Grizzlies most of the time ... the spirit wolves are only for bumping passives and the occasional situation where lots of warm bodies would be better than anything else.

My question is: with this setup, at level 80, in Hell, would I be better off with 16 points in Heart of the Wolverine, and 10 in Spirit Wolf, or would I do better with 10 in HOW and 16 in SPirit WOlf, or 20 in Spirit WOlf and 6 in HOW?

In other words, how would you allocate these 26 points across HOW and Spirit Wolf (I have 10 in Spirit Wolf Already)? What will make my might + HOW + minions more effective? Damage? or AR + DEF?

aka *westcats, USWest, SC
aka *sevencats, *weirdcats, USEast, SC

Messages In This Thread
Advice on my Summons + Volcano druid? - by Animation - 03-19-2003, 03:19 PM
Advice on my Summons + Volcano druid? - by Nebuul - 03-20-2003, 01:12 AM
Advice on my Summons + Volcano druid? - by Nebuul - 03-20-2003, 07:56 PM
Advice on my Summons + Volcano druid? - by Nebuul - 03-21-2003, 12:06 AM

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