Any other viable pally...?
Well, I went with charge/fanat and it's doin pretty good. I'm lvl 49, with (estimated, I don't really remember)18 charge, 16 might, 5 vigor, 4 fanat, 6 prerequisites. Somethin like that. I have griswolds armor, herald of zak, and all else sigon with some crappy +1 skill scepter. On switch for my charge I have spire of honor. My charge is doing 1200-4700 dmg, decent enough to scare my friends lvl 80 hammerdin for a little while (he then proceeded to toss out one hammer, killing me instantly.) Thanks for all the input. BTW...what should I put in the spire of honor, or should I not even bother having it socketed?
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune

Messages In This Thread
Any other viable pally...? - by ima_nerd - 02-07-2004, 04:15 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Bob the Beholder - 02-07-2004, 05:02 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Wyrm - 02-07-2004, 05:14 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by ima_nerd - 02-08-2004, 04:06 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Taem - 02-09-2004, 04:19 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by ShadowHM - 02-09-2004, 04:30 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Nightwind - 02-09-2004, 06:33 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Vash - 02-09-2004, 07:30 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Wyrm - 02-10-2004, 04:28 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by adeyke - 02-10-2004, 05:17 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by IKKE - 02-10-2004, 09:10 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by ShadowHM - 02-10-2004, 12:56 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Assur - 02-10-2004, 07:17 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Baajikiil - 02-10-2004, 07:44 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Assur - 02-11-2004, 03:29 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by ima_nerd - 02-11-2004, 12:05 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Baajikiil - 02-11-2004, 05:23 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Olon97 - 02-11-2004, 08:34 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Taem - 02-11-2004, 09:46 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by ima_nerd - 02-20-2004, 10:01 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Nicator - 02-21-2004, 11:33 PM

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