Any other viable pally...?

I'm running a ShockTherapist (aka ShockPala) in Ladder HC, I`ve not yet reached Hell but at the moment he is a nice and fast killer in NM.

Max Holy Shock first, Resist Lightning and Salvation. One point in Vengeance in the beginning for PILI monsters, later maxed Vengeance.

I've got normal equipment, nothing uber, and an act merc 2 with prayer aura who gets the best I can find for him.

On the first weaponslot a very fast weapon (or a sceptre with +skill) and a palashield socketed with perfect diamonds (Holy Shock). On the second weaponslot a high-damage weapon, usually twohanded (Vengeance). Alternatively you could put a throwing weapon in the second slot.

good hunting
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”

Messages In This Thread
Any other viable pally...? - by ima_nerd - 02-07-2004, 04:15 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Bob the Beholder - 02-07-2004, 05:02 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Wyrm - 02-07-2004, 05:14 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by ima_nerd - 02-08-2004, 04:06 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Taem - 02-09-2004, 04:19 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by ShadowHM - 02-09-2004, 04:30 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Nightwind - 02-09-2004, 06:33 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Vash - 02-09-2004, 07:30 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by Wyrm - 02-10-2004, 04:28 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by adeyke - 02-10-2004, 05:17 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by IKKE - 02-10-2004, 09:10 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by ShadowHM - 02-10-2004, 12:56 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Assur - 02-10-2004, 07:17 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Baajikiil - 02-10-2004, 07:44 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Assur - 02-11-2004, 03:29 AM
Any other viable pally...? - by ima_nerd - 02-11-2004, 12:05 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Baajikiil - 02-11-2004, 05:23 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Olon97 - 02-11-2004, 08:34 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Taem - 02-11-2004, 09:46 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by ima_nerd - 02-20-2004, 10:01 PM
Any other viable pally...? - by Nicator - 02-21-2004, 11:33 PM

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