Warcraft 3 battle.net problems
Alright so here is the situation. I have a friend who is learning warcraft 3 with her husband for a class (its a class on the study of learning or some such like that so they were allowed to pick their own thing to learn). They wanted to learn and play with me on battle.net so they went to the trouble of buying an extra cd and mailing it to me. So we all have a legal cd and cd key. We can all log on to battle.net just fine. The problems start first on game creation. If I make the game they can join just fine. If they make the game then each of them can join it, but I can't for some reason. Thats not that big a deal since I can make the games and they can join. So we do that and play for about 5 minutes (estimate off the top of my head) and then one of them gets dropped from the game every time. The last time, after the first one got dropped, the second one got dropped as well not long after.

So some basic information. I'm on a windows 2000 machine connected to a dsl line. My computer is set as the DMZ computer. (I know I shouldn't do that, but it simplifies solving problems sometimes cause I don't have to worry about the router blocking things) They are both on Mac OS X machines (not sure what version of OS X, but probably one of the newer ones). They are also only on a modem which they are sharing between their two comps.

When we first tried to play with each other on battle.net we expected there to be lag because when we play starcraft there is (though there are no other problems). Warcraft 3 actually hasn't had any noticable lag for the initial 5 minutes or so that we play. Then it just all of a sudden drops one of them.

So the only ideas I can come up with is that its something with them both being on the same connection or that they have a port blocked somewhere.

I figure it could be because they are both on the same connection, because maybe battle.net is seeing two connections to the server coming from one line and so thinking there is a hack or something running. This wasn't a problem with starcraft though so it would have to be a change with warcraft 3 specifically.

The port blocked thing is mostly because of the join game problems. The fact that I can't join their games, but they can join mine. That seems to say that their computers can communicate with mine, but that my computer can't communicate with theirs. I'm not entirely sure why this would make them drop from a game after its been going for a little bit though. Maybe battle.net checks a certain port during the game and since it can't talk to them on that one it drops one of them? I don't know, its rather confusing.

They said that they are going to try contacting tech support about it because we should be able to play together since we all have legal copies of the game. I'm a bit skeptical about how much help they will get though so I'm asking here hoping somebody has some clue as to what is going on.

Messages In This Thread
Warcraft 3 battle.net problems - by swirly - 02-07-2004, 05:55 AM
Warcraft 3 battle.net problems - by Kevin - 02-07-2004, 12:41 PM
Warcraft 3 battle.net problems - by swirly - 02-07-2004, 05:37 PM
Warcraft 3 battle.net problems - by Roland - 02-07-2004, 06:42 PM
Warcraft 3 battle.net problems - by swirly - 02-07-2004, 08:03 PM
Warcraft 3 battle.net problems - by Bob - 02-08-2004, 11:54 PM
Warcraft 3 battle.net problems - by swirly - 02-09-2004, 02:08 AM

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