Inferno Barb
Ok, my Mephisto runs have given me the means to create what looks to me to be a fun and potentially powerful build.

Mepphy-cakes was kind enough to drop the following items for me (not all at once mind you):

Flamebellow Balrog Blade #1
152-326 2h damage
41-207 1h damage
12% to cast lvl 16 firestorm on strike
+3 fire skills
+177% enh damage
+12 inferno
+11 str
+10 vit
Fire Absorb 28%

Flamebellow Balrog Blade #2
171-368 2h damage
46-234 1h damage
12% to cast lvl 16 firestorm on strike
+3 fire skills
+212% enh damage
+15 inferno
+17 str
+7 vit
Fire Absorb 22%

Steel Shade Armet
300 Defense
+100% enh. defense
6% mana steal
+8 fire absorb

Ormus's Robes Dusk Shroud
422 defense
+13% to fire/coldghtning skill damages (this is the only mod that matters, really)

Dwarf Star Unique Ring
Magic Damage Reduce By 15
+40 to Life
Fire Absorb 15%

Ok, with these items, the total fire absorb is 65%, with an additional +8 of straight fire absorb (the actual mod that will allow me to heal from fire). Since I can get lightning immunity (read: gloam immunity) on my Paladin using Guardian Angel and Thundergod's Vigor (+20 absorb with 90% resist), fire immunity with this equipment is certain. I'm not sure when and how the 65% (if it actually IS 65% -- probably capped somewhere) is applied, and if that combined with the +8 will actually heal my widdle ol' barby.

Resistances aside, the main feature of this build is the Inferno. The two flamebellows give +6 to fire skills and +27 to Inferno. Adding ormus's robes adds another 13% more fire damage. My question is, how much mana does level 33 inferno (not counting any other +skill modifiers) eat up? And how much damage does it do?

Ok, I'll have level 33 Inferno right away, 34 with Magefist, 36 by adding Mara's. I haven't gotten an Annihlus yet, so I can't get it to 37... I could always ditch the Steel Shade and replace it with a +2 helm of some sort for level 38 Inferno. How much mana does it drain and how much damage does that do? How can I offset the mana drain?

My hope is that this Barbarian would be just like a Venom Lord, with a massive inferno attack and high physical damage using frenzy. The only thing that would stop him would be his lack of defense... Shout and Iron Skin could offset that, if I ditch the Ormus Robes. If I had the runes, I'd upgrade my Shaftstop (another wonderful gift from Mepphy) and use that to help offset the physical damage I'd be receiving.

The idea is that he'd be a Frenzy Barbarian, ignoring Berserk all together, instead using the more defense friendly (and most importantly, FREE) Inferno to take care of Physical Immunes. Of course, dual Physical/Fire Immunes would be un-killable, but then, so too are Physical and Magic Immunes to Frenzy/Berserk style Barbs. It's not like he'd be soloing Hell in 8 player games anyway; teammates can take care of those rare dual Fire and Phsyical immunes. The beauty is that I'd not lose my defense when berserking.

Now as far as skills go, I have one skill of interest: frenzy.

Frenzy, it's pre-requisites and it's synergy skills would take up 64 points, ignoring Berserk's magic damage synergy (since we will deal fire damage to PIs):
20 in double swing
20 taunt
20 in frenzy
1 in bash
1 in double throw
1 in Increased Stamina
1 in howl

Now, we need some backup skills. Now, Battle Orders seems like a no brainer. Putting 20 into it doesn't seem that useful when there are other skills that also deserve points. So...
10 in battle orders
10 in shout
1 in increased speed
10 in iron skin
5 in natural resist
10 in sword mastery

Optional but useful:
1 in leap
1 in leap attack (gotta have it for transportation!)
1 battle command

So with the 64 point main skill, there are an additional 46 points in extra stuff (not including the optionals) that needs to be taken care of. Assuming that we use the 12 skill points from quest rewards, that means this Venom Lord Barbarian will "complete" by my standards at level 98.

As far as putting the points in a certain order, I would probably do 10 in double swing, max frenzy, while also getting a few each in resists, iron skin, shout, then max taunt, double swing, and then finish off the rest.

Seems like there are too many things to max out for the Barbarian. Can't have it all I guess. At least I don't have to worry about any synergies that have to do with Berserk.

Any suggestions or ideas? I'm hyped up about this build. Should be interesting. The items are super high level, though, so getting the Barbarian up that high will take a straight-up frenzy build. Luckily, I have two Hexfire Shamshir's for the early levels, two Plague Bearers for mid levels, heck, I even have two deathbit battle darts to have some fun!
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*

Messages In This Thread
Inferno Barb - by JustAGuy - 02-01-2004, 07:52 AM
Inferno Barb - by Sporky Smurf - 02-01-2004, 12:01 PM
Inferno Barb - by Obi2Kenobi - 02-01-2004, 03:29 PM
Inferno Barb - by JustAGuy - 02-01-2004, 07:56 PM
Inferno Barb - by Obi2Kenobi - 02-01-2004, 10:57 PM
Inferno Barb - by JustAGuy - 02-02-2004, 12:49 AM
Inferno Barb - by Nightwind - 02-02-2004, 06:33 AM
Inferno Barb - by adeyke - 02-02-2004, 07:29 AM
Inferno Barb - by Bob - 02-02-2004, 11:49 AM
Inferno Barb - by rwbatema - 02-02-2004, 04:38 PM
Inferno Barb - by JustAGuy - 02-02-2004, 06:31 PM
Inferno Barb - by Bob - 02-02-2004, 08:12 PM
Inferno Barb - by Obi2Kenobi - 02-02-2004, 11:07 PM
Inferno Barb - by MongoJerry - 02-03-2004, 07:50 AM
Inferno Barb - by Bob - 02-03-2004, 03:17 PM
Inferno Barb - by adeyke - 02-03-2004, 03:32 PM
Inferno Barb - by MongoJerry - 02-05-2004, 10:25 AM
Inferno Barb - by Caaroid - 02-05-2004, 01:30 PM
Inferno Barb - by JustAGuy - 02-05-2004, 07:13 PM
Inferno Barb - by DukeTrout - 02-05-2004, 11:47 PM
Inferno Barb - by JustAGuy - 02-14-2004, 09:28 PM
Inferno Barb - by diablo1ks - 03-07-2004, 12:34 AM
Inferno Barb - by bigeyedbug - 03-07-2004, 01:35 AM
Inferno Barb - by adeyke - 03-07-2004, 01:44 AM
Inferno Barb - by Zyr - 03-07-2004, 02:04 AM

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