01-28-2004, 12:52 AM
My Bone & Curse necro is finding Hell to be methodical and alot of slogging work (not fun), and only ghosts and gloams are slighty dangerous requiring something other than Bonewall or Boneprison and then Bonespear to death. I'm only finishing Act three, and I'm sooo glad to be out of the swamps of Kurast. I'm already dreading the Plains of Despair. I play with a friend who has overly dedicated himself to the Cold tree, so for too much of the time I seem to be wearing out my mousing finger and dashing around making sure my sometimes useless buddy is protected. We seem to be averaging about 2-3 hours an Act now, but the pace is slowing. Our conclusion is that we have more fun getting character to Hell, than through Hell. So we have resigned ourselves to some MF runs, trades, and crafting to improve our gear before we press on. We are seeing the price we non-power gamers pay for Blizzard's uber item cheese.