So they announced beta signups for WoW.
Waah... Damn rasict Blizzard ignores Europe on their beta-tests again! And what's this, Koreans do get a change to sign-up?!? :blink: Man, and I was playing D1 before any Korean even knew about Battle.Net! And think I have also bought every Blizzard title except Frozen Throne and that their first strange shoot-em-up game, Darkthrone or what was it, so far... They own me this one :P :P :P

Well, think that I won't have any intensions to pay-per-month for WoW anyway, so I don't exactly know what I'm complaining here... Would have just liked to try the game for free I guess :D

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So they announced beta signups for WoW. - by Thlayli - 01-27-2004, 07:26 AM

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