Quote:But again, the A.I. is so important! The shadows are apparently completely clueless about even releasing their charges appropriately, much less a finer distinction like choosing how many charges to build up for Phoenix Strike to thereby select a situationally appropriate elemental finish.
Is she clueless? That's wierd. I don't recall ever seeing a shadow use a particular elemental charge against something immune to it..
Here's a thought in regards to possibilties.. a MA sin with maxed Shadow Master. This is actually one of my character plans that i'm working on, that has really got a boost in light of this discovery.
SM: 13
FoF: 20
CoT: 20
BoI: 1
PS: 20
CM: 4+ (maxed last?)
WB: 4
BoS: 1
Something like that, I guess. Let's also assume that when I cast Shadow Master I switch to 2x +3 to Shadow skills, which when combined with Natalya's armor (+2 shadow) make for a level 21 shadow. Divided by three, this means my Shadow would have a base level of 7 in everything.
I anticipate wearing full Natalya's set (+3) with a 2ma/2sd Jade Talon offhand for maxed resists and a +3 Martial Arts amulet or +2 Assassin amulet. Let's also assume I wear +3 Martial Arts gloves. This means my MA skills are at either +10 or +11, for a grand total of level 30/31 MA. This divides by two for a level 15 adder to my shadow when she uses the skills I have maxed.
This means my Shadow will be using FoF, CoT and PS at level 22, with level 22 synergies once she learns them all! Furthermore she'll have level 7 claw mastery, weapon block, fade, bos, etc, which is fairly respectable, as well as level 7 BoI which will be recieving a level 22 synergy from Phoenix Strike.
The problem is i'm not sure what i'll be able to hit with just level 4 Claw Mastery <_< ah well, the build needs work, but clearly you could have a VERY high damaging phoenix strike "pet"!
Here's a question nobody's answered yet.. how do the randomly spawning +skill adders on a Shadow Master's equipment play into this? Do they contribute to synergies too?